Kaguya-sama : Love Is War Ultra Romantic Season 3 Episode 10 release date and time have been confirmed for the US, UK and the rest of the world, on Crunchyroll for the English subbed and Japanese dubbed version. Here is when the new Kaguya-sama Season 3 Episode 10 release time and date is PT, ET, BST, CEST, and more.
Kaguya-sama : Love Is War Ultra Romantic Season 3 episode 10 release date and time?

Kaguya-sama : Love Is War Ultra Romantic Season 3 Episode 10 release date and time is June 10, 2022.
Here’s Kaguya-sama Season 3 Episode 10 Premiere Release Time:
- 01:30 AM JST (June 11)
- 9:30 AM PT
- 12:30 PM ET
- 5:30 PM BST
- 6:30 PM CEST
Crunchyroll Premium subscribers will be able to watch new episodes when they go live at the times listed above.
Note: It may take a few moments for new Kaguya-sama episodes to pop up. It may be necessary to close and re-open the app or refresh the website for new episodes to appear.
Those hoping to watch the free might have a long wait ahead of them, as at the time of writing this article, the second season is still closed, which means there will be more time for the third season to go free. It’s going to take time.
Kaguya-sama : Love Is War Ultra Romantic season 3 episode 10 English dub release date?

Kaguya-sama season 3 episode 10 english dub release date is June 24.
At the time of publication, the third season now consists of six episodes with an English dub. Along with their weekly releasing, episode 10 is expected to release on June 24.
With the relatively long delay between the Japanese dub and the English dub, those who have been waiting for the English VO will want to check out the spoilers being posted on social media and forums.