One Piece: Will the next One Piece villain be Zoro’s father?

One Piece: Will the next One Piece villain be Zoro's father?

One Piece theory that has been gaining traction among One Piece fans is that Admiral ‘Green Bull‘ Ryokugyu is Zoro’s father.

One of One Piece’s numerous theories is that Admiral ‘Green Bull‘ Ryokugyu is not only the legendary samurai of Wano, Shimotsuki Ushimaru, but he is actually Zoro’s father. But why do fans believe this?

  • Ushimaru
Admiral Ryokugyu (Green Bull) is Shimotsuki Ushimaru?
Admiral Ryokugyu (Green Bull) is Shimotsuki Ushimaru? (Image: Reddit/r/OnePiece)

Admiral Ryokugyu first appeared in One Piece chapter 905 and Ushimaru appeared in chapter 953. After Shimotsuki Ushimaru was defeated by Kaido and Orochi, he was imprisoned with the other daimyo and Yamato. After that, he staged an escape and we only know that he is presumed to have died.

  • Ryokugyu
Admiral Ryokugyu Aramaki (Green Bull)
Admiral Ryokugyu Aramaki (Green Bull)

Ryokugyu and Fujitora joined the Marines about two years after the Marineford arc. They treat each other as if they were old friends and Fujitora has a similar clothing and fighting style to the samurai of Wano. I mean, he could be from there. Which makes it plausible that Ryokugyu is also from Wano.

  • Zoro
zoro demon eye
Will the next One Piece villain be Zoro’s father?

Another point considered evidence for One Piece fans is that Ushimaru wears a bull engraved on his clothes and the “ushi” in his name means “bull” in Japanese. Ryokugyu is known as the “Green Bull“. Zoro uses an entire color palette based on the color green and there is evidence that Zoro is a Shimotsuki.

Zoro’s hometown is Shimotsuki village. Zoro and Ryokugyu are first introduced in the manga as fasting for a long time. And One Piece states several times that Zoro and Shimotsuki Ushimaru are very similar.

What do you think of this One Piece fan theory? Does it make sense? (via ScreenRant)

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