The new expansion of the successful Pokémon TCG has arrived.
Now available in stores around the world, this collaboration is based on the wildly popular Pokémon Go mobile app, with its photorealistic style and artwork inspired by the unique settings displayed in the app. Trainers will recognize familiar elements of Pokémon Go, such as their characters Spark (Team Instinct), Blanche (Team Wisdom), and Candela (Team Valor), as well as items such as Pokestops or Lure modules.
Cards for the Pokémon TCG Pokémon Go expansion are found in the following products and include unique promo cards for the new Pokémon V and Pokémon V-Astro. Details about other items will be released later.
Pokémon Snap N64 comes to Nintendo Switch on June 24
- Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Elite Trainer Box
- Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Pokémon GO Radiant Eevee Premium Collection
- Pokémon TCG Pokémon GO special collections (Team Valor, Team Instinct, and Team Wisdom), each dedicated to their respective leader: Spark, Blanche, and Candela
- Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Pokémon GO Alolan Exeggutor Collection
- Pokémon GO Pokémon TCG Tin of Pikachu, Snorlax, and Blissey
- Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Poké Ball Tin
- Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Mini Tins featuring Pikachu, Magikarp, Eevee, Snorlax, and Blissey
- Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Battle V Decks of Mewtwo V and Melmetal V
- Combat Deck V: Mewtwo vs. Pokémon TCG: Pokémon GO Melmetal
For more information on the Pokémon TCG, visit