Two anime film adaptations of Yomoji Otono’s sci-fi romance novels Boku ga Aihsita Subete no Kimi he (To all of you that I loved) and Kimi wo Aishita Hitori no Boku he (To the only one who loved you, me) received a teaser trailer on Friday, when the official site for the upcoming release opened. , Movies. Both films will release in Japan on October 7, each with its own separate production staff.
To all of you that I loved will be directed by Atsushi Matsumoto (Brothers Conflict) and animated by Bakken Records, while Kenichi Kasai (Bakuman.) will direct To (To the only one who loved you, me), which will be animated by TMS Entertainment. Riko Sakaguchi (The Tale of the Princess Kaguya) will write the screenplay. Both films are direct adaptations of sci-fi romance novels by Yomiji Otono published in 2016. The novels were illustrated by Shimano, who is credited as the original character designer for both films. Both novels currently have a total circulation of 280,000 copies.
The upcoming films also received a joint key visual.

To all of you that I loved synopsis:

A world where it has been proven that people swing between slightly different parallel worlds on a daily basis… After his parents’ divorce, Koyomi Takasaki, who lives with her mother, enters a local high school. However, he is suddenly approached by his classmate Kazune Takigawa. She says that she has moved from the 85th world and that Koyomi and Kazune are lovers there… Is himself in the parallel world himself in this world?
To the only one who loved you, me synopsis:

A world where it has been proven that people swing between slightly different parallel worlds on a daily basis… Koyomi Hidaka, who lives with her father after his parents’ divorce, meets a girl named Sato Shiori at the Institute of False Quality Science where his father works. They both have a little crush on each other, but when their parents remarry, everything changes. Convinced that they will never be together, Koyomi and Shiori try to jump to another world where they won’t be brother and sister…, but a world without her has no meaning.
Separate social media accounts
You can follow the film @bokuai_movie’s Twitter and Instagram accounts (To Every You I’ve Loved Before). (To the solitary me that loved you) Don’t forget to follow @kimiai_movie on Twitter and Instagram for the movie. Both the films also have a joint Tiktok account @bokuaikimiai_movie.