The magazine revealed the new illustrations for the month of July with the most popular girls of the season wearing attractive summer outfits.
The anime community knows that the arrival of a new month also means a new issue of Megami Magazine. This one never disappoints with the art of the anime of the season and, as it is known, it illustrates the main waifus wearing clothes that they do not usually wear in their respective series.
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“Go-toubun no Hanyayome” leads the list
Among the top names, without a doubt, is “Go-toubun no Hanyayome” in the midst of the recent premiere of his movie. Fan art and official illustrations of the quintuplets’ anime abound on the internet, and it’s not the first time the magazine has released one featuring Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba, Miku, and Itsuki in swimsuits.

“Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road”, “Tomodachi Game” and “Healer Girl”, the anime with little fanservice
Pleasant surprises in Megami Magazine’s July 2022 issue collection are titles like “Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road,” “Tomodachi Game,” and “Healer Girl.” It happens that these animes are not characterized by including fanservice and even less by having some ecchi content, so these illustrations are the only official way to see their characters in summer outfits.

The magazine took advantage of the yuri of “Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road” to show Akari and Menou happily holding hands. On the other hand, “Tomodachi Game”, one of the most unexpected series for this type of content, gave Yutori and Shiho the opportunity to show off after not appearing in the last episodes of the series.

Finally, although the anime does not have fanservice, we have already seen Reimi and Hibiki from “Healer Girl” wearing their swimsuits. However, this was only in episode 6, where the girls go for a walk in the countryside, visit Hibiki’s family, and have fun in the river.