Previous Chapter Recap!
In One Punch Man Chapter 167: Bang confronts Garou and the reason is that the former student is hiding something evil inside, demanding to return. Garou said that he was acting of his own accord but both of them were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Blast, appearing from the portal.

Blast leaves pleasantries and tells Garou that he is being controlled by “God“.
To the surprise of both, the hero warns him that any attack released will endanger the lives of all living things on the planet. When Garu doesn’t respond, Blast shows him the effects of his actions. Almost every hero present has now lost consciousness from the cosmic radiation emitted by him.
The Blast assumes that Garou still retains his humanity and is not entirely enslaved by the will of God, in the hope that it may reason him to avoid the conflict. His hopes are quickly shattered by Garou’s laughter, enjoying his magical power to kill people by being near him.

Garou declares that he is the future of humanity’s pathetic, “Calamity Grade: God“.
Left with no choice, Blast orders Bang to retreat, The old hero said that the master would have to kill him if he wanted to put an end to his evil deeds.
Meanwhile, it looks like Genos is trying to give Garou one last fight, but the damage he does makes it seem like he’s taking more damage. In this chapter, we see the revival of Saitama serious mode thanks to Gurou. At the end of the story, both of them collide with each other which can destroy the earth.
One Punch Man Chapter 167: What will happen next?
In the final few scenes of the previous chapter, Garou kill Genos during his fight with Blast and Saitama. While Blast thought about keeping the others safe, Saitama could only see the last remaining pieces of Genos. In the final panel, the hero finally calms down and is now looking forward to a serious fight with Garou. In the meantime, the explosion will continue causing everyone present to faint.

So now, Chapter 167 of One Punch Man will see Garou final appearance in front of Saitama. In addition to nuclear fission attacks, Garou will have many more moves. Fans expect an explosive outing as Saitama erupts in anger and mourns Genos death.

One Punch Man Chapter 167 Release Date
Manga OPM Chapter 167 is scheduled to release around July 6th or July 20th, 2022, online reading links can be from VIZ, MangaPlus, Mangaku.
Chapter titles still haven’t loaded, nor are there any spoilers available at this time, but we’ll update as soon as we get the latest.