One Piece Chapter 1051 Reddit Spoiler: One Piece Chapter 1051 will be an adventure, as we saw in the previous chapter in 1050 the battle is over on Wano Island, Kaido is eventually defeated by Luffy as he emerges victorious. Chapter 1051 will continue the story after the battle. Although theories suggest that Big Mom and Kaido are plotting something, Oda seems to be heading in a different direction. ODA will focus on upliftment and fixing things as the story continues. Follow for One Piece Chapter 1051 RAW scans and Reddit spoilers, as well as Twitter leaks: Wano Kozuki Monosuke’s Shogun.
One Piece Chapter 1051 Raw Scans Spoilers: “Shogun of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke”
Chapter 1051 “Shogun of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke”

Cover: Germa’s Escape

Page 2
Citizens: there’s no need to run!!! Everyone stop!!
That dragon just now, he doesn’t seem to be master Kaido!! What?! So there’s two of them now?! What’s going on?!!
What’s happening in front of the castle? Why is lady Komurasaki here?!
Please explain Boss Kyoshiro
Kin’emon: while those two seem to be well known…I’m afraid the same might not be said about us…

Page 3
Citizens: K..!!K..!! Sir Kin’emon?! Why? Shouldn’t you be dead?!!!
On that day!! In that burning castle, you should’ve..!!!! How can you be standing here?!I knew we’re in a dream.!! Or perhaps we’re in the underworld!!We’re dead?! Wait!! Doesn’t matter if it’s a dream or something else, one thing’s for sure Something big is about to happen isn’t it?!
Prepare the Light Scroll Snail!! Show this to all of Wano!!

Page 4
Citizens: hurry!
There’s no mistaking it! They’re the Akazaya Nine!!
Those who should’ve died 20 years ago!!
What Lady Toki said!! They were all real!!
Citizens: looks like something happened at the Capital…
Citizens: is it about the earthquake just now?
Citizens: I thought the village was going to be destroyed by it

Page 5
Citizens: hurry to Bakura town!!
There’s footage from the Capital being shown there!!
Babanuki: now is not the time for this!!
【Ebisu Town】
Citizens: what’s going on? Ahahahaha!!
Samurai: what happened, we’re receiving signals Footage is coming in from the Flower Capital!!
Strawhats: Kaido’s son?!
Brook: what?! So the battle isn’t over yet?!
Yamato: Wait no!! I’m not your enemy!!
I even followed all you guys’ stories from newspapers!
Oh I thought most of you would not look like a regular human, but actually meeting you guys…you are surprisingly…
Strawhats: talk about your own horns!
Sanji: Kaido’s…?!

Page 6
Yamato: anyway! I’m “Kozuki Oden”! Also known as Yamato! And I’ll be joining you on your ship from now on! Nice to meet you all!!
Nami&Usopp: what?!
Franky: you want to be one of us?!
Brook: yohoho I’d say yes ♥
Sanji: big yes ♥
Robin: haha what an interesting one ♥
Jinbe: you can say that, but as long as it’s not coming from the captain it’s not settled
Yamato: you are right…I wonder if Luffy is alright..
His battle, his appearance…it was all so thrilling!
Hey! Who said you guys can run?!
Beasts Pirates: eeek!! young master Yamato we don’t want to be slaves!!

Page 7
Jinbe: definitely doesn’t seem to be our enemy
Hamlet: you guys! Just shut up and stay there!
Usopp: by the way, what’ll happen to those guys
Tama: my magic will wear off after the same moon passes
Usopp: so like a month?
Tama: while there’re animals who goes back to normal after a month passes, there’re also those that stays
I think they choose the life they find more comfortable
Speed: Master! I’m more happy the way it is now!
Tama: Umami chan! That’s what I was hoping for! But I want you to always stay by my side…not as a servant..more…like a mother
Samurai: look! Komurasaki and Kin’emon…everyone is kneeling! Who..?

Page 8
Momo: it has been 20 years since the passing of my father…Kozuki Oden!!
Citizens: father?! Don’t tell me…
Momo: you all have done well!! Surviving these long harsh years!
The Fire Festival will not end here! Starting from tomorrow!! Choose any ways of living as you like!
Citizens: what?! But Orochi…
Momo: drink as much Sake as you like!

Page 9
Momo: no payment necessary for drinking water! I won’t let poison that will kill this land flow out of those factories ever again! We need no slaves here in Wano!!
Tama: Momo-kun? (: 4 died in the factories today, tomorrow it’ll be my turn…
Citizens: Who’s going to tell her… Who’s going to tell Otama about this?
Otama-chan…it kills me to tell you this…but your daddy…and mommy…are…..
Tama: Daddy Mommy!! Rest as much as you like! I’ll be fine!)

Page 10
(Tama: Umbrellas! Please buy one! Would you like to buy an umbrella?
Samurai: sorry…I don’t have money
Tama: anyone like an umbrella?! Sorry Komachiyo! I couldn’t sell these umbrellas
Hitetsu: can I get one of these umbrellas…
Tama: huh! Lord Tengu?!!
Hitetsu: an orphan? It must have very difficult for you… But, only a few years left… Once the strong warriors under the name of Kozuki return!!
So comes the day that the Oni will be extinguished!!
Tama: Ko zu ki? Really? I’ll wait!! Don’t worry!!)