Arcane, the animated series set in the League of Legends universe created by Riot Games and Fortiche Production, will have a new series on YouTube. It’s called Bridging The Rift and it tells all the details of how the production of this animation was carried out, which conquered critics and became number one on Netflix worldwide.
Every Thursday between August 4 and September 1, 2022, the 5 episodes of Bridging The Rift will premiere in which we will witness from the conception of the original idea to its final delivery, through the challenges that the teams faced.
“Co-produced by Riot Games and French animation studio Fortiche Production, the series quickly became #1 in views on Netflix since its launch in November 2021, holding the top spot for three weeks in a row and reaching the top 10 in 52 countries, with a rare 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes,” writes Riot Games about Arcane.
Arcane: Bridging the Rift – Official Clip
The series illustrates the eventful and resounding beginnings of iconic champions like Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Jayce and Viktor, between Piltover and Zaun, in the midst of a period of unrest. A second season has been announced, with a release date yet to be revealed.
Arcane recently won nine Annie Awards, making it the most nominated and awarded television series of the year. It Won Best TV Show/Consumer Media, Best Character Design and Best Screenplay, among others. “Enemy,” Imagine Dragons’ single from the original soundtrack, has surpassed 1 billion streams and reached No. 1 on the Billboard charts.