One Piece: How strong is Yamato? Does he surpass Zoro and Sanji?

One Piece: How strong is Yamato?

Now that Yamato has officially joined the One Piece crew, how does he rank among the strongest crew?

Ever since she’s appeared, Yamato has won over One Piece fans who are prompting him to join the Straw Hats crew. The character is not only charismatic, but also very powerful, which raises the question: How strong is he?

Yamato’s Abilities

One Piece: How strong is Yamato? Does he surpass Zoro and Sanji?
One Piece: How strong is Yamato? Does he surpass Zoro and Sanji?
  • Immense strength: clashed with Kaido, the strongest creature in the world.
  • Haki: Uses all three types of Haki.
  • Haoshoku Haki: Yamato possesses a rare Haki technique that increases his attacks.
  • Devil Fruit: Inu Inu no Mi, Model Okuchi no Makami. His fruit is of the mythical Zoan type, meaning he can transform his appearance, in addition to having superhuman strength.
  • Secondary Powers: Can use the element of ice.
  • Can fight: Yamato can easily fight members of Tobiroppo. He also managed to hold back Kaido, waiting for Luffy to return to the battle.

Zoro and Sanji

One Piece: Is Yamato stronger than Zoro and Sanji?
One Piece: Is Yamato stronger than Zoro and Sanji?

Is Yamato stronger than Zoro and Sanji? While the pack’s two main fighters have gained more powerful abilities in the Wano Country arc and are constantly evolving, we don’t know whether Yamato will do the same in the future. Unfortunately, Oda always gives more prominence and improvisation to the main trio: Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. The rest of the team develops new skills as well, but most of the time they remain stagnant.

Zoro was one of the highlights of Wano, and showed that he had reached an incredible level, having managed to intimidate Kaido, something that Yamato was unable to do. Sanji also got a massive power boost after wearing the Raid Suit.

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Although Yamato is currently more powerful than Zorro and Sanji, it is likely that she will soon be fourth among the strongest of the Straw Hats, as she needs to be more stable like Jinbe and the other characters. It’s a shame, because Yamato is the first new crew member who can actually surpass Zoro and Sanji, but Oda must put the brakes on his development.

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