The One Piece Wano arc is coming to an end which means some of these plots will have to be completed in Wano.
As is well known One Piece 1050 has declared Luffy officially the winner in his fight against Kaido.
Even though Kaido has been defeated, there are still unfinished business in Wano Country. Some mysteries need to be solved before moving on to a new arc.
Here are 8 One Piece plots that need to be completed in Wano:
8. Big Mom’s current pirate status
— Slick 🇳🇬 (@Never_CapAgain) May 29, 2022
Big mom pirates really came to wano just to get stuck at the waterfall while their Captain/mother fought in a war, lost and is submerged/dying in lava rn. 🥴
Oda hoe’d them fr
Big Mom’s current pirate status was questioned before the Wano arc ended.
One Piece fans often make fun of Big Mom for not actually doing anything in this arc.
Ever since Marco dropped him in a waterfall, the Big Mom Pirates haven’t been seen for a long time whether they’re still yonko status or not.
7. The new ruler of Wano Country
The New Shogun of Wano!!
— Grecia (@Greiish) May 29, 2022
Coloring from One Piece Chapter 1050
For @TCBScans
One Piece 1050 ends with Denjiro announcing the new ruler of Wano Country.
It was unknown whether he was referring to Hiyori or Momonosuke. That answer will likely be revealed sometime in the next episode.
After all, the Kozuki clan needed to rebuild Wano Country. Kaido and Orochi have done some major damage in the last 20 years.
6. Momonosuke’s adult form
— WōDEN | Commissions Open (@WodenCreativ) August 27, 2021
One Piece Chapter 1023 – manga coloring
#OnePiece #OnePiece1023 #OnePiece1023Spoilers #OnePieceSpoilers #ワンピース #mangacoloring @TCBScans @scantradfrance
Momonosuke has the body of a 28 year old even though he is still a child mentally thanks to Shinobu’s Juku Juku no Mi.
Based on his silhouette, Momonosuke was now much taller with a muscular build. However, One Piece readers have not seen it clearly.
5. Big Mom’s comments on Wano’s “treasure”
Viz official translation about Big Mom implying some/one of One Piece as a treasure do exist in Wano is accurate. Japanese fans are hyped at this line.
— sandman (@sandman_AP) February 13, 2022
Just before he was defeated by Kid and Law, Big Mom talked about Roger’s treasure. He believed that some of them were in Wano Country.
This seems to confirm that Roger’s treasure is not a single object, but several at once.
Luffy and his crew must find this precious treasure before going to Wano Country.
4. Kaido Road Poneglyph
with all the craziness we still don’t know the location of Kaido’s road poneglyph
— Kieffer (@roadponeglyphs_) December 6, 2021
The Straw Hats must find all four Road Poneglyphs if they are to find Laugh Tale.
With Kaido’s defeat, they would have three Road Poneglyphs. All they need is one more.
The Straw Hats are one step closer to finding the sought-after One Piece treasure.
Kaido’s Road Poneglyph isn’t in Orochi’s castle. With that said, Nico Robin believed it was located somewhere in Onigashima. However, his current placement has not been revealed in the One Piece manga.
3. Zoro and the Grim Reaper

After defeating King in a grueling battle, Zoro saw the Grim Reaper right in front of him. Please note that he is also under the influence of drugs.
It’s probably an illusion, but One Piece rarely uses supernatural elements.
On the other hand, once the medicine wears off, Zoro will feel twice the pain he felt before.
He is very close to death’s door now, so One Piece readers are very worried. Zoro’s current status is still unknown.
2. The reason Kaido is in Wano
For example, why did Kaido come to Wano? Why did he desire death when it seems more likely his motivation was equality? How did he know about JoyBoy? What made him he think he was and then wasn’t JoyBoy? Those are just Kaido specific…
— JFoolgs (@JFoolgs) May 27, 2022
Based on his conversation with Yamato, there was something very significant about Wano Country that made Kaido come to him.
But it seems that the reason Kaido is in Wano is directly related to the legend of Joy Boy.
1. Big Mom and Kaido’s ultimate fate
These panels happen back to back. Are Kaido & Big Mom being dispelled out of the magma pool through the volcanic eruption?#ONEPIECE1051 #Kaido #bigmom
— Best Generation (@BestGenerationX) May 30, 2022
The strongest member of the Worst Generation finally defeated Kaido and Big Mom to fall into the magma.
Meanwhile One Piece readers want to know if this is really the end of the two yonko.