Usopp loves to take on amazing names in One Piece, sometimes to encourage himself, sometimes created to deceive the enemy.
Do you know All fake names used by Usopp used in One Piece? The Sogeking is one of the funniest and most creative members of the manga, providing memorable scenes such as his resurrection as “Condoriano” or “God“.
Despite having a lot of fun characters in One Piece, Usopp manages to stand out, especially since he takes on a new identity countless times. Here are some of Usopp’s best fake names in One Piece.
All Of Usopp’s Fake Names
- Sogeking
- Usoland
- God Usopp
- Usohachi

In the Enies Lobby arc, we saw the rise of the iconic “Sogeking.” After leaving the Straw Hats crew, Usopp joins the group using the alias Sogeking after fighting Luffy on the beloved ship Going Merry. He was ashamed and blamed for his departure, so he used a mask and a fake name to help save Robin. The word comes from “sogeki“, Japanese marksman, and “king”. Usopp didn’t fool anyone, just Luffy and Chopper.
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In Dressrosa we had “Usoland“. After claiming to be a descendant of the hero Mont Blanc Noland, Usopp betrays the people of the legendary mini-country Tontata. Usopp had a false identity in order to escape the Tontata Empire. Even after his escape, he continued to be called that by the little people.
God Usopp

Of all the fake names Usopp used, none left “God Usopp” behind. He also appeared in Dressarosa. Just as the Straw Hats sniper saved countless people from becoming toys forever, so many unexpected coincidences happen. Usopp, unknowingly, begins to be seen by the people as a heavenly being and savior. Meanwhile, in reality, Usopp was seriously injured and it was a huge and hilarious coincidence.

In Wano Arc, we saw Usopp’s ability to completely lie. To blend with the Wano people, he took the name “Usohachi“, a frog oil seller. Presenting himself as the sole seller, he gathers information and attempts to locate Kozuki’s associates. All straw hats had to disguise themselves and use false names.
Of All fake names used by Usopp, which was your favourite? (via GameRant)
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